Civil Commitment and Judicial Medical Consent Resources

Civil Commitment and Judicial Medical Consent
All forms are in Adobe format unless otherwise specified

Richmond Psychiatric Hospital & Crisis Intervention Telephone and Facsimile Numbers (2012)

Richmond Behavioral Health Authority (RBHA) Phone Directory

Chief Magistrates throughout the Commonwealth

Local Virginia Behavioral Health Departments (“Community Services Boards”)

FIPS Code Chart (Virginia FIPS Directory For TDO Case Number Origination (PDF)) and Second Source (HTML)

Virginia Statutes Applicable to Civil Commitment
Virginia Statutes Applicable to Judicial Authorization of Treatment
 MEDICAL EMERGENCY CUSTODY PETITION (to transport incapacitated patient from community by ambulance)

Only the magistrate may issue an order to transport the patient from the community to a hospital, see Virginia Code Section §  37.2-1103, here.

The contact information for the office of the Chief is:

Chief Magistrate, Thirteenth Judicial District
200 West Grace Street, First Floor
Richmond, Virginia  23220
804/646-6691 or 804/646-6689


External Site Pre-admission Screening Report, Independent Examination and Voluntary Admission Forms
External Site Court Forms

Order for Treatment

Petition for Access to Dispositional Order

Petition to Restore Right to Purchase, Possess or Transport a Firearm
Attorney’s Statement to Patient (7/11) (For City of Richmond)

Respondent’s Request for Voluntary Treatment

IE Evaluation Statement (2015-2016)


Richmond Behavioral Health Authority Web Site
 Explanation of TDO Process and Rights (for Attorney Transmission to Detainee) (DC Form 894-A, per Va. Code Sec. 37.2-809)