Hanover County Special Justice Page
Addresses, Calendar, Forms and Outline Links
Medical Consent Resources
- Doctors: Emergency TELEPHONE Medical Consent (Instructions, 24 Hour Detention Petition, Order, Fax Cover Sheet) (Completed Sample for “Peter Patient”) (Form is for Richmond Cases, Pending for Hanover County).
- Non-Emergency Judicial Consent (Forms are pending for Hanover County, Virginia, except where otherwise stated).
- Psychiatric Rx and ECT These are forms for a Hanover County, Virginia, Court to consider a health care provider’s written request (“petition”) for judicial consent to the involuntary administration of mental health (“anti-psychotic”) medicines and electro convulsive therapy (“ECT”) in the case of a patient who is or has been involuntarily “committed” for treatment pursuant to the Virginia Civil Commitment process.
- Annotated Mandatory Outpatient Treatment Orders Statute With Highlights (2-28-2019) (PDF). LIS link, here. Statute in situ, here. These are artifact resources, prior to the 2022 and 2023 amendments.
- All Other
- Virginia Statutes relating to Mental Health Civil Commitment (including electronic hearing authority) and Judicial Medical Consent (including electronic hearing authority)
- Civil Commitment and Medical Consent Resources
- Ambulance transportation order by magistrate to transport mentally incapacitated patient to hospital emergency room for further evaluation (instructions for petition); Petition; enabling statute, Va. Code § 37.2-1103
- Procedures for judicial quarantine of suspected airborne disease carrier (updated, 2-26-2020); COVID 19 Specific Material (=> July, 2020)
- Petition to Transfer Existing Involuntary Admission (Involuntary Commitment) (Instructions for Petition)
- Alternate Transportation Order for Voluntary or Involuntarily Admitted Patient (Instructions: Click here, find Form DC-4000)
- Explanation of Emergency Custody Procedures
- Explanation of Temporary Detention Procedures and Rights
- Petition for Access to Involuntary Admission (Commitment) Order
- Application for Copy of Recording of Commitment Hearing
- Petition to Restore Right to Purchase, Possess or Transport a Firearm
- DSM V Codex (to decipher admission screening reports)
- For CSB Screeners: Zip Code Translation to Va. Jurisdiction