General Contact Information.
Special Justice Jennifer Fox:
Phone: (804) 533-0022
Special Justice Shawn Majette:
Phone: (804) 690-8720
Fax: (804) 414-7780
District Court Clerk (for Filings):
- Caroline
- Essex
- Fredericksburg
- Hanover
- King George
- Lancaster
- Northumberland
- Richmond County
- Spotsylvania
- Stafford
- Westmoreland
Hanover County Special Justice Calendar
Hanover County Special Justice Service Calendar (January, 2024)
15th Virginia Judicial Circuit jurisdictions include Caroline, Essex, Hanover, King George, Lancaster, Northumberland, Richmond County, Spotsylvania, Stafford, and Westmoreland Counties, and the City of Fredericksburg.
The Community Service Boards:
- Hanover County Community Services Board
Phone: 804-365-4222Fax: 804-365-4252Crisis Services: 804-365-4200
- Middle Peninsula Northern Neck Community Services Board (serving Essex County, Gloucester County, King & Queen County, King William County, Lancaster County, Mathews County, Middlesex County, Northumberland County, Richmond County, and Westmoreland County)
General Directory
Crisis Services: 1-800-542-2673 - Rappahannock Area Community Services Board (serving Caroline County, King George County, Spotsylvania County, City of Fredericksburg, and Stafford County)
24-hour Emergency Service Numbers:
Fredericksburg 540-373-6876
Stafford County 540-373-6876
Spotsylvania County 540-373-6876
Caroline County 804-633-4148
King George County 540-775-5064
Fredericksburg 1, 2,
King George
Richmond County
This listing is a work in progress. I invite submissions for additions.
Outlines, Statutes and Selected Resources.
Involuntary Mental Health Admissions and Treatment in Virginia
- Mental Health Law: A Practical Guide to Virginia Civil Commitment (2023)
- Involuntary admission statutes.
Hanover Judicial Consent Proceedings
Petitions and orders will be served electronically, and proceedings for these consents will be conducted electronically in accordance with Virginia law.
Non-Judicial Consent Statute When There is no Advance Directive or Guardianship.
Virginia Judicial Consent To Involuntary Treatment.
Judicial Consent Forms and Procedure.
EMT Service, please call Emergency Department Physician, and Emergency Department Physician, please call the magistrate.
As of March 30, 2023, the Chief Magistrate for the 15th Circuit (which includes Hanover County, Virginia) is the Hon. Clifford Rose. The Chief’s office telephone number is 540-659-9641.
Form of Petition for transport from community to emergency room pursuant to Va. Code § 37.2-1103.
The doctor receiving the patient delivered to the emergency room will evaluate the patient and, if required, follow the procedure in below for emergency cases in hospital.
Emergency Cases: Patient In Hospital
Emergency Department Physicians, please see calendar for on-call judge or magistrate.
- When time permits, please communicate with the hospital risk management official to assist.
- Risk management will Call Special Justice on duty. If time permits before the call, please complete the Form of Petition for Telephone Emergency Consent for the case. Please include the Physician’s hospital issued mobile number, the patient’s name and hospital record number or the last 4 digits of the patient’s Social Security Number for clear identification in the Court’s records.
- Complete Form of Petition for Telephone (Emergency) Consent when treatment is needed within 24 hours to prevent injury, disability, death or other harm to the patient resulting from such mental or physical condition.
- Email completed petition to Special Justice on duty.
- Save completed petition and the written order which will be electronically delivered to Risk Management.Notes:The Court cannot consent to nontherapeutic sterilization, abortion, psychosurgery, or admission to a training center or a hospital for the developmentally disabled or mentally ill. Va. Code § 37.2-1102. However, a petition for consent for medical care other than nontherapeutic sterilization, abortion or psychosurgery may be authorized simultaneously with proceedings for such admissions, see Virginia Judicial Consent To Involuntary Treatment).
Procedure for cases not requiring order for involuntary admission:
- Complete and deliver to Risk Management the Form of Petition for medical consent for all procedures EXCEPT psychiatric Rx or ECT.
- Risk management will Call Special Justice on duty. Please include the Physician’s hospital issued mobile number, the patient’s name and hospital record number or the last 4 digits of the patient’s Social Security Number for clear identification in the Court’s records.
- Counsel will be appointed.
- Risk management will coordinate two way electronic communications for video hearing at the patient’s bedside with counsel and the Special Justice.
Procedure for cases requiring order for involuntary admission.
Request (Petition) form for consent for psychiatric medicine or ECT.
This is a work in progress and I invite comments.
Artifact medical consent forms for review (prior to 2-21-2023)
Edit date: 8-31-2024